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Oriental Salmon (serves 2)

Updated: Sep 2, 2021


2 salmon fillets – 4 ozs each

for the Marinade:

1 Tablespoon hoisin sauce

2 Teaspoons light soy sauce

½ Tablespoon lemon juice

½ Tablespoon sherry vinegar

½ Teaspoon sugar

1 crushed garlic clove


1. Marinate the salmon fillets in the marinade for 1 hour.

2. Wrap each fillet in foil paper

3. Place on the lower tier of the ‘Happy Home’steamer

4. Steam for 25 mins

Serve with

New Potatoes

10 ozs new potatoes

1 Tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs

Salt and pepper


1. Cut potatoes into ¼ inch slices

2. Toss in the olive oil and herbs

3. Season with salt and pepper

4. Place on liner in the upper tier of the ‘Happy Home’ steamer

5. Steam for 30 mins

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